The ARCOS-Lab was founded in 2012 by Prof. Dr. Federico Ruiz Ugalde with the main objective of building intelligent artificial systems that assist people in daily living tasks.

The laboratory is divided into three sections:

  1. Prototype development
  2. Autonomous robots
  3. Cognitive systems
  4. Educational robotics

One of the most ambitious projects is developing the laboratory is building a humanoid robot full body with advanced handling capabilities, first of its kind in Latin America. The laboratory has a strong involvement and inter-disciplinary group of investigators and members.


  • Development of an omnidirectional platform for mobilizing the full body humanoid robot.
  • Perceptual development of a humanoid robot head.
  • A research project and a project to support research successfully completed.
  • Development of a new object models for manipulating objects of daily life for the humanoid robot.
  • International conference with participation in numerous scientific publications.
  • Conformation of a group transdisciplinar (electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, computer science, mechatronics, e) and inter (UCR, TEC, NTU) of about 40 active members.


  • Building a full body humanoid robot with advanced handling capabilities.
  • Development of advanced control system for flexible handling objects of daily life.
  • Development of a gentle robotic arm with the environment of low cost and high performance.
  • Development of emotional interaction capabilities for the humanoid robot.
  • Development of training for universities and specialized topics in robotics public.


Dr. rer. nat. Federico Ruiz Ugalde
Lic. Israel Chaves Arbaiza
MSc. Rodrigo Chacón